Home Knowledgebase Wifi on DMJX (Eng, Employee, Student)

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Wi-Fi on your devices

  1. Choose the Wifi network: DMJX
  2. Write your DMJX username
  3. Write your password (the one we use on Itslearning, mail etc.)
  4. Accept the certificate – if you are asked

You are now connected to the DMJX WiFi

Wi-fi on Android (chromebook or phone)

There are different approaches to getting networked on an android based device but in general it is inside settings and network / wi-fi.

When you log on to the DMJX network, you will be asked for additional information. Therefore use the following:

EAP Method: PEAP

Phase-2 Approval: MSCHAPv2

Server CA Certificate: Do not check

Identity: username@dmjx.dk

Password: The code that you also use for mail, Itslearning, etc.

The rest of the fields must be empty.